Thursday, February 4, 2010

Trimester 3 09/10 Training Session Updates!

Dear all,

Due to low response towards the training sessions, the training time slots have been reduced to only one session which is on Tuesday (7-9pm). Please take note that the court is still booked on Monday 6-10pm and Tuesday 6-10pm for Squash Club, therefore members are free to come on Monday 6-10pm and Tuesday 6-7pm/9-10pm to play. If you want to come for the training, you still can register on Tuesdays. Those who are taking Squash Co-curriculum are welcomed to come for our training session as well. To summarize:

Training Session:
Tuesday 7-9pm

Free Session:
Monday 6-10pm
Tuesday 6-7pm/9-10pm


Training Fees: RM10
Attire: Non-Marking Indoor Court Shoes/Sports Attire
Venue: Plaza Siswa Squash Courts

Person to contact about training:

Farm Siang Deng

Person to contact to borrow racket (only Squash Club members):

Ooi Beng Hooi

Person to contact in General:

Nicholas Hiew Voon Keat

Best Regards,
Squash Club
Multimedia University (Melaka Campus)
